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Frequently Asked Questions


 Host ciclad*
     HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
     PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
 Host camelot*
     HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
     PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
 Host loholt*
     HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
     PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa


  • Installing anaconda on IPSL/Mesocenter(Ciclad/Climserv) and having GLIBC error

since September 2021 recent version of anaconda , miniconda are not anymore compatible with our systems There is no fix for the installer himself

The last Installers Versions known to work are:

for broken environment there is now a fix


  • on ciclad I have removed by error files in /xxx

    if it's on /home there is a mirror on /backupfs/home/ (started everyday at 5AM) and we have also an incremental backup of home files where we can retreive files deleted since to a maximum of six months
    To retrieve from incremental backup you have to ask to support if it's other filesystem SORRY NO BACKUP

  • on CMIP6 data I obtain HDF5 Error when reading some files

    This problem seem to only occur on IPSL CMIP6 data (hosted at TGCC) This is not a problem with hdf5 library but with filesystem
    it's could happen on one node and not on others
    we don't know why this happen but we know how to correct just contact the support to say on which node it's happening
    cmip6 hdf error on node xxxx could be a good subject ;-)

  • I try to access on /xxxx and it's saying permission denied

    some dataset are protected and need to be in special group to access ask to support, we could verify if we can allow you to acces this dataset


  • I submit a batch job and it's stay in queue ?

job could be blocked by limit and in this case
showq -b can help you to know why your job is blocked
or because there is not enough resources to run your job
showq -i to see idle jobs

  • qdel doesn't want to stop my job

    this could be seen when there is problem on node where your job was running do a qstat -rn1 "Numjob" to see on which node it was running then check-cluster to see if the node status is down if this is the case mail to support qdel problem on node xxx

  • My shell script work in command line , not with qsub

    could be memory requirement see documentation default memory per job (mem) is 3G . Default virtual memory per job (vmem) is 4G. on head nodes mem is 8G vmem is 12g

    in job output look on resources used sample: (Resources Used: cput=00:07:23,mem=5688kb,vmem=40568kb,walltime=00:08:21)

  • Same jobs works sometime and sometime not

    look on output file to see on which node they run when they works and which node when it's not
    working ( could be a problem on one node , hardware , filesystem full or missing library
    in job output first and last line give you the "Running Host: host name "
    In case of submission of the problem to thanks to give us job number ,
    place of script launched and also place of output of your jobs ( without this, we can't do something )

  • PGI compiled code give error illegal intruction on some compute node

    PGI compiler default is to detect processor on the node you're doing the compilation and we can't change this
    so it's better to compile your code pgfortran -tp x64
    all libraries compiled with pgi by us are compiled with -tp x64 ( openmpi , netcdf ...)