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Cliclad/Climserv Python modules

There is many python distributions on IPSL Mesocenter.

Avaible through modules, we recommand to use Anaconda distribution for python:

# module avail python
---------------------- /etc/modulefiles/Products ----------------------
python/2.7-anaconda    python/2.7.6-canopy-1.3(default)
python/2.7-anaconda44  python/3.4-anaconda3
python/2.7-anaconda50  python/3.6-anaconda50

----------- /net/nfs/tools/meso-sl6/modules-spack/Products ------------
python/3.8-anaconda  python/meso-3.8  python/meso-3.9

Best choice now (2022) are

python/meso-3.9 python/meso-3.8 anaconda3-py/2021.05 anaconda3-py/2021.11

  • python/meso-3.9 full anaconda 2021.11 (python 3.9.7) with the following addition
    • basemap, basemap-data-hires, cartopy, xarray, netcdf4, dask-jobqueue, mpi4py
    • cdo, esmtools
    • pathlib pipenv, plotly, pydot, scikit-optimize, termcolor, virtualenv, zarr
    • pytorch-1.8.2-lts
  • python/meso-3.8 full anaconda 2021.05 (python 3.8.8) with the following addition
    • xarray, cartopy , mpi4py , netcdf4 , dask-jobqueue ,esmtools, pathlib
    • pipenv, plotly, pydot, scikit-optimize, termcolor, virtualenv, zarr
    • pytorch-1.8.2-lts


Assuming that a Python module is loaded, you can get the complete list of the packages with this command line: conda list