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Connect from outside

We recommand using firefox with the FoxyProxy extension to connect to the jupyterhub from outside the IPSL network.

  1. Configure FoxyProxy (see here).

  2. Create a SOCKS proxy server with SSH. Replace <your_login> by your own login.

    ssh -D 1080 <your_login>


    Port number must be the same as the one configured in FoxyProxy. You can use the port number you want between 1024 and 65535 (both included), as long as you keep the same when configuring FoxyProxy and creating a SOCKS proxy server. Here we used 1080.

    You can also configure it the ssh config file located in the .ssh directory

    # for jupyter SU
    Host spirit1_tunnel
        User <login_ipsl_mesocentre> # replace with your own login
        ForwardX11 yes
        IdentityFile <path_to_ssh_key> # replace with your own path, e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa
        Port 22
        DynamicForward 1080
    # for jupyter X
    Host spiritx1_tunnel
        User <login_ipsl_mesocentre> # replace with your own login
        ForwardX11 yes
        IdentityFile <path_to_ssh_key> # replace with your own path, e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa
        Port 22
        DynamicForward 1080

    and then you can can connect with ssh spirit1_tunnel if you are a spirit user or ssh spiritx1_tunnel if you are a spiritx user.

  3. In the web browser you configured with FoxyProxy, go to the adresse of jupyterhub you want to use.